You should submit requests for copies of the following records with these forms instead of submitting a FOIA request: Records Available Through Routine Agency Procedures IRS policies and procedures not in the FOIA Library: Fax to 87.Personal or business taxpayer records: Fax to 87.The IRS FOIA Public Access Portal is a secure portal that allows requesters to electronically submit a FOIA request(s), check the status of submitted request(s), and securely send and receive messages to and from the agency.Don’t submit the same request more than once. Submit FOIA request to the IRS at the FOIA Public Access Portal or by fax. Personal taxpayer information is protected under the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S. It’s important to submit your request in the right way to avoid delays. If you already submitted a FOIA request, don’t submit a second one. IRS employee – If you’re working with an employee on an open tax case, ask them for the records you need.Routine access records – Find tax returns, transcripts, open case files, tax-exempt or political organization returns, tax forms and publications, tax court opinions and the Internal Revenue Code.
IRS FOIA library – Tax guidance, administrative manuals and instructions, program plans and reports, non-precedential rulings and advice, training materials and other public records are available in the library.The information you want may already be available. To submit a FOIA request, follow these guidelines.